
Titus Dittman
Titus Dittman, the father of skateboarding in Germany, qualified sports teacher and founder of the Titus Imperium, is now dedicating himself to his own charitable project. With "Skate-Aid“; we support projects worldwide that provide humanitarian aid for children and young people by means of skateboarding, which creates meaning and identity, in order to bring hope to "four wheels";.
Stop Poverty and our commitment complement each other wonderfully. It goes without saying that we stand behind the project with all our support.

Seminyak Bali, Indonesia
Dantie und Hate Koopmans
Dantie and Hate Koopmans are the owners of the Sarinande Hotel in Seminyak Bali and are active members of Lions Club International, Hate works as International Liaison Manager. A native of Balinese, Dantie is the manager of a small family hotel in Seminyak Kuta Bali, Sarinande Beach Hotel. Various social activities are supported in the organization of the Lions Club, and there is also close cooperation with Lions Werkgroup Indonesia in the Netherlands. In addition, they adopt children and pay for school education, and they are also looking for support in this regard. Hate is retired and since then his purpose in life has been to help socially disadvantaged people and families. After learning about fighting poverty, both wanted to help and provided drivers and food for the orphanage in Tuka Dalung on site.

Koblenz, Germany / India
Shanti Normann
Shanti Normann was abandoned in India as a baby. She was lucky because she got a place in the orphanage and was adopted to Germany 2 years later because she had no chance of surviving in India. Like many children in India. In the meantime she has visited her orphanage in Poona and brought donations of money and goods. She visited other orphanages in Delhi, Bombay and an SOS Children Village in Varanasi.
After the tsunami catastrophe, she and a friend organized a benefit concert for the victims in Jagabay/Sri Lanka.

Monterey, Mexico
Daniel Richardt
During his time as a quality and production manager in Thailand, Daniel also got to know many people and their poverty. He completed a semester abroad in Monterey, Mexico, where he supports "Stop Poverty" on site.
Here, orphanages are specifically visited and selected, and donations in kind are then handed over. Targeted financial support will be decided after evaluating the individual projects. At the end of 2008 he supported the first project in Mexico.

Cologne, Germany
Helmut Zerlett
Helmut Zerlett, award-winning comedy prizewinner, composer, producer, frontman of the a band and member of Marius Müller-Westernhagen's studio and live band, supports the Stop Poverty project because he sees it as his duty to help other people who are not lucky enough to have been born on the sunny side of the world.
Especially if you are a bit more in the public eye, you can motivate other people and help to fight poverty in the world.

Thai Son Vu
Mr. Vu is one of the most successful private entrepreneurs in Vietnam and usually employs people who grew up without parents or come from orphanages.
Mr. Vu has several children himself and would like to give something back to those around him. For the visit to the orphanages in Saigon from and the surrounding area in January 2010, he immediately provided a driver and an interpreter, both of whom also came from orphanages.